Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Midults Q&A: Do you need advice on a relationship dilemma?

Annabel Rivkin and Emilie McMeekan tackle your dilemmas, from family feuds to money struggles

Do you have an issue that is troubling you? Our comfortingly grown-up advisors, The Midults, will offer their suggestions to your dilemmas. So if you are suffering from friendship problems, relationship struggles, a family feud, or financial stress, share your problem with them via the form below.
Annabel Rivkin and Emilie McMeekan, The Midults, write a hugely popular column in the Sunday Telegraph. As journalists, worriers, and incredibly good friends, they are adept at offering the advice you need to hear.
Put your dilemma to The Midults, with all the relevant details, and Annabel and Emilie will choose a few readers’ cases on which to offer their suggested guidance in a Q&A on September 18.
Please share your dilemma below, anonymously if you wish.
Want to share your dilemma a different way? Email [email protected] with the subject line: Midults.
